Oil, acrylic, cotton thread, glass seed beads,
crushed quartz, bone, shell, sand, wood beads, African coconut shell, steel wire and sawdust on cotton canvas
84 x 48 in

Oil, acrylic, cotton thread, glass seed beads,
bone, shell, sand, wood beads, crushed quartz,
glitter, African coconut shell, African fish bone,
steel wire and sawdust on cotton canvas
84 x 48 in

Oil, acrylic, glass seed beads, African coconut shell, sand, and steel wire on cotton canvas
84 x 48 in

Acrylic, glass seed beads, crushed quartz, glitter and African coconut shell and steel wire cotton canvas
24 x 36 in

Acrylic, glass seed beads, crushed quartz, glitter and African coconut shell and steel wire cotton canvas
24 x 36 in

Acrylic, glass seed beads, crushed quartz, glitter and African coconut shell and steel wire cotton canvas
24 x 36 in

Acrylic, glass seed beads, crushed quartz, glitter and African coconut shell and steel wire cotton canvas
24 x 36 in

Acrylic, sand, sawdust, and glass seed beads on cotton canvas.
52 x 84 in

Oil, acrylic, cotton thread, glass seed beads, African coconut shell, sand and sawdust
48 in diameter nonagon

Oil, acrylic, sand, glitter, African coconut shell, pistachio shells, steel wire, glass seed beads, cotton thread, breath, and sawdust on cotton canvas
48 in diameter

Oil, acrylic, steel wire, cotton thread, wood, African fish bone, African coconut, sawdust, glass seed beads, pumice, sand, cornstarch and glitter on cotton canvas
48 W x 92 T inches

Oil, acrylic, ink, sawdust, steel wire, cotton thread, wood, glass seed beads, gun metal, brown sugar, pumice, sand, glitter, cornstarch, chalk, and breath on cotton canvas
72 W x 108 T inches

Oil, acrylic, glass seed beads
on cotton canvas
24 x 18 in

Oil, acrylic, glass seed beads
on cotton canvas
24 x 18 in

Oil, acrylic, glass seed beads
on cotton canvas
24 x 18 in

Oil, acrylic, glass seed beads
on cotton canvas
24 x 18 in

Oil, acrylic, glass seed beads
on cotton canvas
24 x 18 in

Oil, acrylic, glass seed beads
on cotton canvas
24 x 18 in

Oil, acrylic, steel wire, cotton thread, wood, African fish bone, African coconut, sawdust, glass seed beads, pumice, sand, cornstarch and glitter on cotton canvas
48 diameter inches

Oil, acrylic, cotton thread, glass seed beads,
crushed quartz, bone, shell, sand, wood beads, African coconut shell, steel wire and sawdust on cotton canvas
84 x 48 in
Oil, acrylic, cotton thread, glass seed beads,
bone, shell, sand, wood beads, crushed quartz,
glitter, African coconut shell, African fish bone,
steel wire and sawdust on cotton canvas
84 x 48 in
Oil, acrylic, glass seed beads, African coconut shell, sand, and steel wire on cotton canvas
84 x 48 in
Acrylic, glass seed beads, crushed quartz, glitter and African coconut shell and steel wire cotton canvas
24 x 36 in
Acrylic, glass seed beads, crushed quartz, glitter and African coconut shell and steel wire cotton canvas
24 x 36 in
Acrylic, glass seed beads, crushed quartz, glitter and African coconut shell and steel wire cotton canvas
24 x 36 in
Acrylic, glass seed beads, crushed quartz, glitter and African coconut shell and steel wire cotton canvas
24 x 36 in
Acrylic, sand, sawdust, and glass seed beads on cotton canvas.
52 x 84 in
Oil, acrylic, cotton thread, glass seed beads, African coconut shell, sand and sawdust
48 in diameter nonagon
Oil, acrylic, sand, glitter, African coconut shell, pistachio shells, steel wire, glass seed beads, cotton thread, breath, and sawdust on cotton canvas
48 in diameter
Oil, acrylic, steel wire, cotton thread, wood, African fish bone, African coconut, sawdust, glass seed beads, pumice, sand, cornstarch and glitter on cotton canvas
48 W x 92 T inches
Oil, acrylic, ink, sawdust, steel wire, cotton thread, wood, glass seed beads, gun metal, brown sugar, pumice, sand, glitter, cornstarch, chalk, and breath on cotton canvas
72 W x 108 T inches
Oil, acrylic, glass seed beads
on cotton canvas
24 x 18 in
Oil, acrylic, glass seed beads
on cotton canvas
24 x 18 in
Oil, acrylic, glass seed beads
on cotton canvas
24 x 18 in
Oil, acrylic, glass seed beads
on cotton canvas
24 x 18 in
Oil, acrylic, glass seed beads
on cotton canvas
24 x 18 in
Oil, acrylic, glass seed beads
on cotton canvas
24 x 18 in
Oil, acrylic, steel wire, cotton thread, wood, African fish bone, African coconut, sawdust, glass seed beads, pumice, sand, cornstarch and glitter on cotton canvas
48 diameter inches